During a period in which technology so-often divides us, uGeo utilizes social media to bring communities back together. With the ability to find, join, and create groups, you’ll always feel at home wherever you are in the world. Share, discover, and participate in your community interests with uGeo.
Cast location-based personal updates or share places important to you. You have full control over the who, what, when, and how.
Don’t miss a beat. Join groups or follow community organizers in your area. Start a demonstration, create a birdwatching club, or find a composting station near you.
Find something to do or something to learn anywhere, anytime. Search from an abundance of user-generated casts, drops, and tags to find out what’s happening.
UGeo content is worldwide. Wherever you are in the world, open up the app to find out what the locals are doing.
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